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About Us
Beyond limits provides a place of peace for anyone living in poverty or distress!
Supporting Local Community
Beyond Limits are a registered charity based in rural County Durham. Our mission is to meet the short-term need for emergency aid and longer-term need for social inclusion for some of the most disadvantaged people from our local community and primarily the Wear Valley.

Supporting Local Community
We offer a place of peace for anyone living in poverty or distress. Whether it be for reasons of ill-
health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantages, everyone is welcome.

We provide a gateway to allow individuals and families to spend time away from home, to reconnect with themselves, their families and others. We offer support at every step of the journey, from our special events, our retreats or training facilities to our at-home, care packages and emergency food parcels.
Our goal is to make everyone feel cherished through the services we provide.

- Compassion -
We always aim to show compassion and to be non-judgemental towards those with whom we work.
- Respect -
We respect the dignity of all
- Generosity -
We are generous with our time and our resources in the service of others
- Responsive -
We are alert to the ever-changing needs of our community. We can respond quickly and accordingly
for those in need of our care.
- Accountable -
We acknowledge our accountability to those we work with
- Confidential -
We always respect the confidentiality of those we help
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