Lockdown Cooking Challenge
We love a challenge here at Beyond Limits, so during lockdown, we challenged people to come up with as many creative recipes as they could, using only basic ingredients. The idea was that, not only would it bring out their creativity, but it would show that you can eat lots of different and delicious meals whilst still sticking to a budget. The ideas people came up with were excellent and we just wanted to share a few here. Just click on the image of a dish to see the recipe. There are lots more in the files section on our Facebook page.
Chocolate and Strawberry Cheesecake
Don't be scared of cheesecake. This easy recipe will create a delicious dessert for everyone to enjoy, and you can use various fruits. I recommend raspberries, they go beautifully with chocolate. (There is no method for this one as Facebook gremlins deleted it before I could save it, but I will find it.)